Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Committee Chair

Diversity and Campus Inclusion Assistant Dean, MSU College of Nursing

Krista Walker, Ph.D.

Krista Walker, Ph.D., currently serves as the assistant dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the Michigan State University College of Nursing (CON). Before transitioning to Michigan State University, she led the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora, Colorado.

Walker has an extensive background in K-16 education and a large percentage of her career in higher education has been spent on working with domestic and international service-based scholarship programs and service learning. Walker continues to be a staunch advocate for transformative change that uproots structures and systems of oppression that have historically marginalized underserved populations and continues to do so in the area of health care.

Walker holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Purdue University, a Master of Arts in urban studies from Queens College, City University of New York, and a Master of Science in special education from Long Island University, Brooklyn. She received her Doctor of Philosophy in education policy and leadership studies from the University of Iowa.

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